Thursday 20 November 2008

What the audience wants

 Our opening has the genre of action/crime drama so the audience should be hoping for plenty of tension, conflict, enigmas and peril. We have found ways to meet these expectations:
  • Tension is created from the location, They are in a small, smokey room that has connotations of secrecy, and with secrecy comes the fear of being caught.
  • The audience will know there is conflict in the film due to the conflicting themes of the mise en scene. The money will have connotations of corruption and greed but the police badge has connotations of purity, service and selflessness
  • Enigma's such as "who are these people?" and "what are they doing?" are created
  • the gun shows peril as it has connotations of violence and suffering. It implies that someone will be badly injured later on.

Box office Figures For Crime Genre

I resercht the Box office figures for Crime Genre films. i fond that the results fore the best profit on an action philm is a world profit of "199,847,354". below is a link showing the figers. 

althow to make my reserch feir i also looket at the crime ganre philm whith the lowest profit. and the profit was a teribul disaster of "-23,110,648" below is a link showing the figers.

all in all this showes that if we were to spend eny mony on awere production we wud have to be cerfull as it dose not nesaseraly meen id get a big profit back.

Target Audience

The genre of our film is a hybrid it is a action/crime drama. The audience that we will be directly appealing to is 16-25 year old male viewers, as this is the most consistent groups of people that visit the cinema on a regular basis and an action drama will mostly appeal to the male gender.  

Memento Inspiration

The style of film that I have been inspired by is Film Noir i like the simple lighting used in the scenes. Here is an example of the style of fast paced editing and black and white effect in a trailer from the film Memento directed by Christopher Nolan (2000). I believe that this technique will be possible to achieve with the low budget that our group have.

Film Noir

This short film uses many things we want for our opening:
  • The lighting is low key and in black and white. This creates connotations of depression, descent and mystery which is what we want, to show the descent of the officer and the mystery of who they are
  • The first few seconds are very useful. It shows credits with smoke in the background. We can use this firstly for its connotations of contamination which will show the contamination of the police force. Secondly to establish the scene as a cramped, smoky room. This will give the connotation of secrecy.
  • Low camera angles are used on certain characters to show their power. We can use this to show the mafia is in power over the police force

Monday 17 November 2008

Sin City

One of our main inspirations for the style of lighting and some mise en scene came from the opening sequence of the film called 'Sin City' the film was directed by Frank Miller in 2005, the style of lighting is low key we like this as it brings up more enigmas. as well as this the mise en scene was mostly all in black and white except the important things in the scene.
we like this as it emphasizes what the director wanted the audience to be concentrating on, and it also creates up enigmas about that thing.

Our opening

Our opening is Entitled Dark Truth. It will be an action/crime drama in which the key theme will be corruption. Conventions that we will try to create include Secrecy,darkness, shadiness and greed. The characters cannot be seen, all the viewer can see is their hands
The scene shows a dark room were no faces can be seen, a police badge is on the table, mysterious hands are counting money.
We have tried to include everything that an opening sequence contains:
  • enigmas are created from the money and the lack of faces. questions like "who are these people?" and "what is the money for?"
  • Establishing time and place is kept to a minimal to keep it mysterious. Mise en scene shows this
  • The police badge shows it is a crime drama
  • expectations are created that they will catch these men and figure out the enigmas
  • The mafia and the corrupt officer is established here
  • the equilibrium here is that this officer is taking bribes, this will be disrupted later as they will uncover what is going on

Opening Sequences

Opening sequences are designed to get an audience attracted and interested in the film. This is going to be done by using several techniques for example: 
  • To create enigmas to keep the audience 'hooked' so they continue to watch the rest of the film. 
  • Also by establishing a time and place this would be done via the use of narrative devices such as captions, mise en scene, voice overs and dialogue.
  • It will reassure the audience of the genre types in the film by demonstrating the conventions of the chosen genre e.g location, characters cinamatic style.
  • We will set up audience expectations in plot, style/media language.
  • Opening sequences also usually introduce and establish characters usually the main character/protagonist. 
  • Setting up an initial equilibrium that will be disrupted later in the film.