Thursday 20 November 2008

What the audience wants

 Our opening has the genre of action/crime drama so the audience should be hoping for plenty of tension, conflict, enigmas and peril. We have found ways to meet these expectations:
  • Tension is created from the location, They are in a small, smokey room that has connotations of secrecy, and with secrecy comes the fear of being caught.
  • The audience will know there is conflict in the film due to the conflicting themes of the mise en scene. The money will have connotations of corruption and greed but the police badge has connotations of purity, service and selflessness
  • Enigma's such as "who are these people?" and "what are they doing?" are created
  • the gun shows peril as it has connotations of violence and suffering. It implies that someone will be badly injured later on.

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